---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joeri Bruyninckx
Date: 2011/3/31
Subject: let's speed things up
To: young.girls.records@gmail.com
hi pierre-yves,
an idea:
what would you think of releasing that lume record on au revoir instead of on young girls?
meaning: making it a digital release instead of a physical one
you know: to speed things up a bit
like nike says:
just do it!
or was it henry rollins who said that?
don't talk about it. just do it
anyway: i thought about this after hearing your congestion nasale record on au revoir
and also:
i released a lume record on diskono last year
straight on the free music archive
thousand people who listened/downloaded the record in no time
seems way more fuctional to reach people
let me know what you think